Product Information
Location: Hamilton, ON
Client: City Housing Hamilton
Final Construction Cost: $21,000,000
Architect of Record: Invizij Architects
The redevelopment of the old City Motor Hotel site adjacent to the Queenston Traffic Circle is intended to facilitate densification of the East Hamilton community while also considering the evolving needs and requirements for new affordable and social housing.
The first phase will provide 40 new affordable dwelling units in a six-storey, Passive House certified, mixed-use building. The building’s Queenston Road façade, already set back from the street edge to accommodate future road widenings, is further set back to ensure a generous front sidewalk for pedestrians into the future. The ground floor will offer commercial retail, entry to the residential component, and shared amenity space. The upper floors will contain a mix of one- and three-bedroom suites located along double loaded corridor bars which are shifted to bring daylight to ends of the corridors.
Sunshading elements will be provided on residential levels, their warm woodgrain finish shifting across the facade. Recognizing the building will be viewed by the many vehicles who pass the site, the sun shades will animate the facade in a simple way – hiding and revealing the wood texture as the viewers approach and pass the building. In the rear of the building, a generous courtyard spans the area between the phase one building and the northern portion of site slated to contain phase two. Sheltered from the busy road, the shared courtyard will contain seating and a small play area for residents and their young children.